While the past helps predict the future, and today helps mold what tomorrow will bring, in no way is it a guarantee that yesterday’s failure will or won’t repeat itself in the days to come. Life is composed of a mixture of failures and successes. The failures are small, but many. Tiny little life lessons that help us grow and learn. They give us hope that because we were able to weather the bad times, that good times are just around the corner. That we will eventually be successful.No one wants to be stamped with the word rejection across their chest anymore than they want to have the letter L branded to their forehead. Because when you are rejected, you feel like a loser. And we all know a losing attitude will never help you succeed in life. As cliché as it sounds, to be a winner you have to think like one. You have to believe in yourself, even if no one else does. Of course that’s easier said than done, I’m not even going to lie. Why do you think "starving artists" exist? Because they keep picking up that paintbrush, despite the fact that not a single painting may ever see the inside of an art gallery. Just like I will keep picking up that pen, even if my words never make it onto a publisher's desk. You do it because you love it and you believe in yourself, even if no one else does.
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