Get your rest. Slow down.

Welcome to my blog. This blog is just basically about my thoughts :D


We all know it’s important to forgive in life, but of course there are always exceptions to every situation, like toxic relationships. I think in those cases, forgiveness is next to impossible. You just need to separate yourself as far as possible from them, cut them out of your life if possible. Although sometimes forgiveness needs to be given just for your own peace of mind. You need that emotional weight lifted off of you in order to trudge thru the rest of life. For me, the key is to separate myself from the types of people that don’t add to my life, but rather take away from it. I choose to surround myself with positive people that are understanding and supportive in times of need, rather than those that take advantage of my momentarily lack of strength and pounce on my weakness as if I were prey being thrown into a hungry lion pit. If I sound bitter in saying that, it’s only because I’ve experienced it firsthand and on more than one occasion.

An apology has three parts:

1. I'm sorry.

2. It was my fault.

3. How do I make it right?

So many people skip that last part, but that's how you can tell sincerity.

I’ve allowed someone’s actions and words to eat away at me. That certainly isn’t healthy. You can’t heal and move forward with a happy life if you consume yourself with past wounds.Why do I punish myself like that? Or the better question is...why do I allow others the power over me so I can punish myself like that? If I had just forgiven them long ago, we wouldn’t even be indulging in this topic.