I can honestly tell you that people become a better person because of their failures as opposed to their successes. As much as I hate to lose and as much as I fear failure, I’ve learned so much about myself, the people around me and the world in general from the ugliest word in the English language - failure. It has made me stronger. It has made me better. It has made me wise beyond my years. Like I always say...when you know better, you’ll do better. And because of past failures, today I am doing well. So thank you failure. Thank you for overwhelming me with fear when I am succeeding and then overpowering me with strength when I stumble and fall. You are that constant negative voice in my head that I find myself being forced to push thru on a daily basis. I despise you, therefore I fight you. But yet, I love you. Truth be told, I need you there. I need you to lurk in the murky shadows. I need you to be ever present in the corners of my mind, the place where I lose focus and I refuse to admit I feel my most vulnerable. I need you to cut me down to size so I can rise above and prove you wrong. I build myself back up just to defy you. The ugliness that defines you is that which beautifies me. That is a gift that no one but you could ever instill upon me, or rather within me. Without failure, I don’t know where I would be today. And I don’t know who I would be. I just know I would not be me.
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